Sunday, August 23, 2009

Way behind....again

As usual, I'm way behind on my blogging! It seems like everytime I think to update, something or someone comes up. The last 2 1/2 weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and learning to take care of 3 kids instead of 2!
Lachlan had his 2 week appt last Tuesday and weighed in at 9lb 9oz. Of course, right after my last post bragging about how good he was sleeping, Lach started grunting/groaning/crying throughout the night. I'm not sure if it's colic or reflux. We talked to Dr. Gulde about it and were planning on waiting awhile before trying medication. Since then, it seems like his symptoms have gotten worse, though, and he acts like he's in pain all day long. I think we'll be visiting the doc again this week to talk about meds.
Lachlan's umbilical cord finally fell off yesterday, so he got to take his first real bath in the tub. I didn't get any good pics in the tub since I was by myself, but here's one all wrapped up afterwards.

We've been very busy with Oma and Opa these last few weeks, riding bikes, making cookies, doing play-doh, and visiting story time at B&N.
Yesterday, Troy and I took our first family outing with the 3 boys while John and Daphne spent some time with old family friends. We decided to check out the McKenna Children's Museum in New Braunfels. The website looked great, but we were a little disappointed at how small it was. The boys had a great time though, and Lachlan slept the whole time in the stroller.
Painting a car...

Riding an elephant..

Jonas feeding his baby in the hospital exhibit..

In the space ship. Definitely a favorite activity!

Driving the ambulance..2nd fave activity of the day.

Riding a horse..

Here's our sleeping beauty at 2 weeks old. Our other boys never, ever slept on their stomach, but Lachlan seems to prefer that some times.

Opa reading to all 3 boys..Lachlan actually looks like he's listening too. Jonas is making an ugly face, but was actually saying, "Cheese!", his immediate response whenever the camera comes out these days!

1 comment:

Kim said...

So glad to hear from you! I hope you are adjusting ok, I'm finding 3 was much harder than 2, but it is getting easier the older she is getting. I'm glad that you have Troy's parents there to help you out. It is hard to let go of control (trust me I know) but so worth it in the end b/c it's saves your sanity and lets everyone have a good time.
He's a cutie, can't wait to see more pictures!