Yesterday we took Jonas to the ENT to talk about his ears and constant sinus infections. The good news is that tubes are not in the near future since the doctor doesn't usually do them until after 5-6 ear infections. The bad news is that Jonas has fluid/mucus in his right ear that's not infected yet but may get that way. Tubes would also be considered if the fluid sits there for more than 3 months. As far as the sinus junk goes, that's just something we have to ride out. When Jonas' immune system gets stronger, he won't be so susceptible. This makes sense because Reef has been so much more healthy this winter.
I went to the Ob/gyn today and had a great visit. This was my first visit to my new doctor. We had the sonogram first, and the baby looks great! No guesses on the sex yet (darn!) but totally healthy. He/she was measuring a few days ahead so my new due date is August 7, same as Tara's! After the sonogram, I got to see the doctor and she was really nice. I was treated exactly as I expected to be treated. I also found out the my doctor who delivered Reef and Jonas is coming back in April or May! So, she may get to deliver this one too. I'll be happy either way. By the time I got my bloodwork done, I'd been at the doctor 3 hours! This was the only negative about the visit, but other patients said it's not always like that. My next appointment is March 6 and we get to find out if we're having a little brother or little sister! I can't wait.
Welcome to our little corner of the internet! What started as our virtual "baby book" has evolved into a look into the good, the bad, and the ugly happenings of the Gibbins Gang! It's not always pretty, but I wouldn't change a thing!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Zoo trip and other stuff
We spent the Martin Luther King holiday last week at the zoo with our friends Archer (2 months younger than Jonas) and Jude (5 1/2 months).

It was a warm day and the boys were very well-behaved the first half of the morning. Unfortunately, after lunch, it was a disaster! First, the stroller had a major wheel malfunction that made pushing it very hard. Then, when we visited goat petting zoo, Reef was very upset when he had to leave the brush before we moved onto the birds. This led to a major screaming fit and the decision to skip the birds and head home instead. The meltdown stopped briefly when we got to the lion statue since I had already promised the chance to climb on the lions. But quickly started again after he got his foot stuck between the lions. Then to top things off, Jonas decided he would no longer ride in the stroller or be happily carried. Needless to say, I was happy when we got home and everyone got a nap!

I brought out the toy box last week with toys that we don't play with very often. As usual, the box is always the best toy!

As a special treat, I made frozen chocolate-covered bananas for a snack a few days ago. They were loved by all! Reef preferred the chocolate, but I think Jonas actually liked the banana best.

This is our new fort in the backyard. So far, we've pretended it was a house, a train travelling to the library, an airplane, and a drive-thru restaurant. Such imaginations!
It was a warm day and the boys were very well-behaved the first half of the morning. Unfortunately, after lunch, it was a disaster! First, the stroller had a major wheel malfunction that made pushing it very hard. Then, when we visited goat petting zoo, Reef was very upset when he had to leave the brush before we moved onto the birds. This led to a major screaming fit and the decision to skip the birds and head home instead. The meltdown stopped briefly when we got to the lion statue since I had already promised the chance to climb on the lions. But quickly started again after he got his foot stuck between the lions. Then to top things off, Jonas decided he would no longer ride in the stroller or be happily carried. Needless to say, I was happy when we got home and everyone got a nap!
I brought out the toy box last week with toys that we don't play with very often. As usual, the box is always the best toy!
As a special treat, I made frozen chocolate-covered bananas for a snack a few days ago. They were loved by all! Reef preferred the chocolate, but I think Jonas actually liked the banana best.
This is our new fort in the backyard. So far, we've pretended it was a house, a train travelling to the library, an airplane, and a drive-thru restaurant. Such imaginations!
I didn't take these but found them on the camera today. I guess Troy took them while the boys were trying on his shoes. There were several shots and I'm surprised they were willing to share the shoes!

This week is pretty much our usual schedule with preschool and ladies class, but Troy and I did go out last night (without the boys!) to celebrate Australia Day with some friends. It was a long dinner so I'm sure Reef and Jonas had more fun playing with Rachel, one of their favorite babysitters! Troy has been working TONS of hours this month, and we're hoping it slows down soon. Luckily, my mom and Grandma made a quick trip down this weekend to keep me company and do some cleaning. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
On Thursday, I'll be taking Jonas to the ENT to talk about his constant sinus/ear infections. He's been healthy for 3 weeks but just started with cough and runny nose again. I'm wondering if tubes will be in our near future...
Then, on Friday, I have my first appointment with my new doctor. I'm excited because we'll get to see the baby again, but it's probably too early to tell the sex. I've been feeling really sick the last couple of weeks but am hoping the end is near. With Reef, it lasted until 20 weeks (yuck), but I can't remember how long it lasted with Jonas; that whole pregnancy is kind of a blur.
I'll be gone all weekend for Ladies' Retreat, so this will be Troy's first overnight experience with the boys without me. He's excited but needs prayers because I know he'll be worn out after a long week.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
New words
Jonas has finally started saying some words! He can now say "no", "bye bye", "hello/hi" especially while playing with the phone or anything he thinks looks like a phone, "ball", and "boat". He's also saying something that means Reef to him but it doesn't sound like Reef yet. He says it everytime he sees Reef, especially when he hasn't seen him for awhile (overnight or preschool days).
He may not have many words in his vocabulary yet, but Jonas definitely has a way of letting you know what he wants. The other day he kept pointing into the kitchen during breakfast and I couldn't figure out what he needed since he already had tons of food. He got very upset and then didn't eat anything. At lunch he did the same thing. Finally I realized that he wanted a drink. He was pointing at the refrigerator!
He may not have many words in his vocabulary yet, but Jonas definitely has a way of letting you know what he wants. The other day he kept pointing into the kitchen during breakfast and I couldn't figure out what he needed since he already had tons of food. He got very upset and then didn't eat anything. At lunch he did the same thing. Finally I realized that he wanted a drink. He was pointing at the refrigerator!
Jesus Christ Superstar
Last Friday, we went with our friends the Dyes and the Utleys to see the Broadway production Jesus Christ Superstar. We were surprising Bruce with the tickets because he loves the show and is always talking about it. We kicked off the evening with dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, which was some of the best food we've had on the Riverwalk. Bruce was really excited about dinner because he's been wanting to go there since it opened. He thought this was the surprise and was even more excited when we got to the play. I couldn't see him from my seat, but Melynda says he was singing along and conducting. It was a great date night and nice to do something nice for a friend!
Coming soon...our recent trip to the zoo...
Monday, January 12, 2009
The rest of Christmas break until now
Okay, so it's finally time to update on the rest of our Christmas break until now. I know it's way late but things are a little rough over here. Jonas is just finished up some antibiotics for a double ear infection, so he was in a BAD BAD mood for a while. We're visiting the ENT at the end of the month to talk about tubes.
Of course, just when we thought things were getting back to normal, he's been waking up screaming in the middle of the night or sometimes right when he goes to bed. This is very unusual for him since usually he'll go back to sleep when given his pacifier. We visited the doctor again today to check his ears, but they were all clear. So, we're calling it teething and he said we could give Tylenol as needed. I felt better knowing that it was okay to give Tylenol so much but wish there was more we could do.
I also had to switch OB/GYNs. My doctor who delivered the boys took a leave of absence to be a stay-at-home-mom for awhile and is returning part time in March but will only to GYN. So, this left me doctor-less! I picked a practice that several of my friends go to and a doctor who has rave reviews. They couldn't get me in right away with her but said I could see her partner to confirm the pregnancy. This sounded good because it got me in sooner. Well, I saw the guy once, had an ultrasound, and then they told me to come back to "go over the results" with him. I thought it was weird since obviously the ultrasound looked fine but went anyway. I paid $40 co-pay just to have him say, "They saw a heartbeat. You're still due in August." I was so mad! Then, to top it off, he said I'd have to see the prenatal nurse before I could see the doctor I originally requested. So, I wouldn't see "my" doctor until the 5th visit! This was not sitting well with me or Troy, so I've decided to try the practice my old doctor will be joining. I have an appointment on the 30th. I've been feeling more nauseous the last week or so and still really tired, but things are going well. I'm pretty sure I'll have to bust out the maternity pants a little earlier this time though!
So, back to our Christmas break...We had a quick visit from Aunt Taylor and Jacob, which was a nice surprise. And then Troy and our friend Tim build a really cool fort attached to the slide in the backyard. The boys love it! So far, they've pretended it's a house, a bus, and a restaurant. It makes it easier for me because I don't have to worry about Jonas falling down the old ramp. We wrapped up the vacation with a visit from my dad and Aunt Paula. This was the first time my dad had visited us in San Antonio, so it was really important to me. They came bearing many gifts for the boys, who loved their new stuff.
This guitar was a big hit for Reef. He thinks it's a REAL wiggles guitar. Thanks Aunt Staci! Jonas also got a guitar, so they were pretty funny together.

Of course, just when we thought things were getting back to normal, he's been waking up screaming in the middle of the night or sometimes right when he goes to bed. This is very unusual for him since usually he'll go back to sleep when given his pacifier. We visited the doctor again today to check his ears, but they were all clear. So, we're calling it teething and he said we could give Tylenol as needed. I felt better knowing that it was okay to give Tylenol so much but wish there was more we could do.
I also had to switch OB/GYNs. My doctor who delivered the boys took a leave of absence to be a stay-at-home-mom for awhile and is returning part time in March but will only to GYN. So, this left me doctor-less! I picked a practice that several of my friends go to and a doctor who has rave reviews. They couldn't get me in right away with her but said I could see her partner to confirm the pregnancy. This sounded good because it got me in sooner. Well, I saw the guy once, had an ultrasound, and then they told me to come back to "go over the results" with him. I thought it was weird since obviously the ultrasound looked fine but went anyway. I paid $40 co-pay just to have him say, "They saw a heartbeat. You're still due in August." I was so mad! Then, to top it off, he said I'd have to see the prenatal nurse before I could see the doctor I originally requested. So, I wouldn't see "my" doctor until the 5th visit! This was not sitting well with me or Troy, so I've decided to try the practice my old doctor will be joining. I have an appointment on the 30th. I've been feeling more nauseous the last week or so and still really tired, but things are going well. I'm pretty sure I'll have to bust out the maternity pants a little earlier this time though!
So, back to our Christmas break...We had a quick visit from Aunt Taylor and Jacob, which was a nice surprise. And then Troy and our friend Tim build a really cool fort attached to the slide in the backyard. The boys love it! So far, they've pretended it's a house, a bus, and a restaurant. It makes it easier for me because I don't have to worry about Jonas falling down the old ramp. We wrapped up the vacation with a visit from my dad and Aunt Paula. This was the first time my dad had visited us in San Antonio, so it was really important to me. They came bearing many gifts for the boys, who loved their new stuff.
This guitar was a big hit for Reef. He thinks it's a REAL wiggles guitar. Thanks Aunt Staci! Jonas also got a guitar, so they were pretty funny together.
Jonas really likes to ride on Troy's back and decided to ride on Reef last week. It wasn't a long ride though!
On Saturday, we took a trip to the Texas Transportation Museum, a place with old cars and real trains. Troy and I thought it was kind of a rip-off but the boys loved every minute of it. The highlight of the day was a ride on a real caboose. Reef has talked about it everyday since then!

Jonas has really gotten into reading these days, which reminds of when Reef was this age. They could both read for hours. Jonas definitely has his favorites and wants to read the same 3 all the time.
Jonas has really gotten into reading these days, which reminds of when Reef was this age. They could both read for hours. Jonas definitely has his favorites and wants to read the same 3 all the time.
This is one of his favorites. He loves when the bugs go "CRASH!"
Somebody needs to keep me accountable to update more often. Any volunteers?
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